Friday, August 8, 2008

Wealth Mastery Notes 12


When I am stuck say “Screw It” and go through the fear

Tony Video

Optimists are full of crap, but they keep doing it, so are more successful

A worthy adversary

Every life experience is a chance for wealth

Five Reasons Life Will Never Be The Same
1. Knowing that the thing I want the most is beyond my fear and outside my comfort zone
2. I took massive action at the break and a huge breakthrough
3. To be more aggressive
4. Live in the beliefs and possibilities
5. Giving up the bullshit beliefs I had about wealth, understanding the use of strategies and chunking

What Have I Learned and What Am I Going To Do
· Track earnings and spending
· Tithe
· Save

Where performance is measured, performance improves

Separate business income and expenses from personal

Complete page 67

Keep an investment journal
Why did I buy it, and at what price
Why did I sell it

“When people say no, hear not yet” – Donny Deutsch

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