Sunday, August 10, 2008

Big Idea - Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi was on the show today and a couple of things he said...

Donny asked,"Any regrets?" he said "No."

Then, "Biggest mistakes." he said "nothing really, we're doing well, if anything we've learned."

I think the key to success is seeing everything as an opportunity, or a result. And not having the regrets. I think I could get excited about that. That every opportunity makes me stronger.

There is a lot that can be said..."Well Bon Jovi is a successful musician, so things come easy." But for people to succeed long term, like Jordan, Tiger Woods, Aerosmith, Rolling Stones, Paul Newman, etc., it takes a special mindset.

Lastly, was about Presidents. He said something that struck home. "We have not had a President that inspired us. We get soundbites and Presidents telling us stuff, but not a President that get's us to rise to action."

I'd have to agree, there has not been a President in my life that has inspired me to take action.

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